When Babies Become Mothers…

 Today is a very special day!  Just a few hours away will be the baby shower for my daughter, Sophia, and my  first grandbaby, Carmen!  I get to watch my baby girl take her seat in a special chair, the rocking chair she and her brothers Jason and Corey were nursed in, that I have kept for sentimental reasons.  Oh, the precious hours spent in that blessed rocking chair that are now a blur!  How did that little baby become old enough to have her own baby?  How did those treasured days slip by so quickly?  I miss days like the one here in the backyard with our Best Dog Ever, Maia.  She’s right there keeping an eye on Sophia.  I hope she will enjoy being a mother as much as Maia and I did.  I’m excited to find out what being a grandmother is like!  Since this is a day for babies, here are more memories of mine.  Parenting wasn’t easy, but it was worth it!